The world is a sandbox of new discoveries if we only take a moment to uncover them.
It is this curiosity that led Anietra Hamper to a successful career in television news as a top-rated Anchor and Emmy nominated investigative journalist for nearly 20 years. It is the same curiosity that now drives her as an award-winning published travel writer and author.
Anietra’s passion for fishing and outdoor adventure around the world is the reason a growing allegiance of fans are inspired by her stories that have appeared in, CatfishNow Magazine, Columbus Monthly, Columbus Parent Magazine, Game & Fish, AAA Home & Away Magazine, USAToday, Women’s Outdoor News, Ohio Outdoor News, FIDO Friendly magazine, Ohio visitor’s guides and on numerous podcasts and broadcasts.
Anietra’s constant pursuit of new experiences inspires others to let their true passions and dreams become the road map for their lives, and not just something they hope to do “someday.”