Drop us a line anietra@threewordpress.com


Connect with your audience through the words, pictures,
video, website content and speeches that open a new perspective.


Anietra Hamper connects with audiences as much with her enthusiastic life spirit as with her words and photographs. Whether you are looking for a new freelance writing contributor, photographer, keynote speaker or any facet of video production, you can feel confident that you have the highest level of expertise when you work with Anietra.

As an Emmy nominated, top-rated television news journalist and now an award-winning travel writer and photographer, Anietra has honed the skills necessary to deliver high-level work that makes her clients repeat customers. She understands that there are many ways to reach an audience in today’s diverse content landscape and she has the skills necessary to deliver the right message to the right audience through the right medium for impact.

Anietra’s successful television career makes her proficient in delivering relevant information to audiences and as a professional content marketing expert, she understands the technical side of writing content for both readers and online robots. And, as professional public speaker, she understands how to inspire an audience to make meaningful changes in their lives by using her own successful reinvention as an example.

Find out how you can work with Anietra to improve your audience reach


Fresh story perspectives, editorial planning and freelance articles for publications with award-winning writing.


Bring your story to life with images captured with the journalistic eye of an award-winning photographer.


Inspire your audience with the powerful words and passion of a woman who believes that Someday Starts Now.


Scriptwriting, on-camera talent and full production services to bring your product, company or destination to life.


Improve your content and reputation by partnering with a seasoned published journalist with an established fan base.


Put your products to the test in real-world scenarios with honest reviews for your potential customers.