Drop us a line anietra@threewordpress.com


Use the power of words to tell the stories that connect with your target audience


Are the articles in your publication connecting with audiences the way that you want them to? Are they inspiring travel? Making a call to action? Building loyalty and trust to your brand? Anietra Hamper brings a fresh perspective and personable storytelling to her publishers and readers.

As a seasoned journalist, an award-winning travel writer and a content marketing expert, Anietra understand the key elements that are important in today’s kind of storytelling. Anietra’s success as a regular contributor to a range of travel publications is built on the story ideas she brings to the table and spot-on execution.

Anietra’s journalism background makes her proficient at connecting with audiences with a perspective and word construction that make stories relevant to the lives of the people reading them. She prides herself on close editorial planning with editors and beating deadlines. Anietra’s unique ideas for publishers and personable writing have enabled many of her stories to break website records for views and extend the longevity of the typical shelf life of a story. Anietra’s categories of expertise include general destinations, adventure travel, fishing and the outdoors.